Monday, 22 October 2018

Chozha empire Rare photos and news

The #CholaEmpire at its greatest extent, during the reign of Rajendra Chola I in 1030 CE.

The #CholaDynasty was one of the longest-ruling dynasties in the history of southern India. 

300s BCE–1279 CE.

During the period 1010–1200, the #CholaEmpire stretched from the Andaman/Sri Lanka/Maldives to territories of Malaysia,Thailand & Indonesia

An early silver coin of King Uttama Chola of #CholaDynasty found in Sri Lanka.

A painting depicting the Chola Navy of Rajendra Chola-I raid on the Kedah (Today's part of Malaysia).

The model of a #CholaDynasty Ship's hull, built by the ASI, displayed in a Museum in Tirunelveli. 

Bhagwan Narasimha from Chola period,12-13th century,Tamil Nadu.
Now in Museum Guimet,Paris

Dancing Bhagwan Krishna, Bronze, Tanjore-Tamilnadu.
13th Century, #CholaDynasty.

1954s: Rs 1000 Note issued by RBI to honor the #UnescoWHS Brahadeeswarar Temple,Thanjavur.
Built during #CholaEmpire

12th Century's:: Bronze statue of Bhagwan Vishnu, from the #CholaEmpire period.
Now at the National Museum, Delhi. 

Yashoda with the infant Krishna from #CholaEmpire period, 12th century.
Now in the #METmuseum.

Kallanai Dam (c200CE) on #Kaveri is 1 of D oldest working dams in D world. Const. by King Karikala Chola. 
#WorldTourismDay #IncredibleIndia 

Lord Shiva as Nataraja. 850-1250 CE
Bronze, #CholaDynasty Statue, 
Metropolitan Museum New York.

Bhagwan Shiv in the form of #Ardhanarisvara. 11th century, Bronze. 

12th Century's Shiva Lingodbhavamurti (emergence of the Linga),
from #CholaEmpire period.
Now in the @MuseeGuimet.

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