Saturday 25 August 2018

Manu (The progenitor of Humankind)

All different races of Mankind are derived from Manu and Shradha. The current Manu is Vaivasvata Manu.

The word Manu literary means man but it is a title given to the progenitor of mankind. According to Hindu Puranas there are many kalpas (One day of Lord Brahma the creator) and each Kalpa has 14 manvantara and each manvatara has one manu. So basically each Kalpa has 14 Manus.

The current manu of the present manvantara is Shraddhadeva or Vaivasvata Manu of this current Kalpa. He is the son of Vivasvat (Probably Surya) and is therefore also known as Manu-vaivasvata.

Shraddhadeva(Vauvasta Manu) had ten children(varies a bit in some Puranas):


Besides these, Manu had fifty other sons on Earth. But we heard that they all perished, quarrelling with one another. The Vedas and Puranas mainly deal with two of Manu's children Ikshvaku and Ila. Information of other progenies may have been lost, stolen, and destroyed...
6/ From Ikshvaku came the #Solar dynasty to which Lord Ram belongs and from Ila comes the #LUNAR dynasty to which Lord Krishna belongs.
Also, the Vedas mainly talks about the lunar dynasty and particularly five descendants of Ila. They were:

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Ila's descendents were Pururava. Then from Pururava came Ayu, from Ayu came Nahusa, from Nahusa came Yayati.

Yayita had two wives Devayānī who was the daughter of Śukrācārya (Guru of the Asuras) and  Śarmiṣṭhā (daughter of Asura king Vrishaparva).

Yadu & Turvasu were the sons of  Devayānī. Druhyu, Anu and Puru were the sons of  Śarmiṣṭhā. From Yadu's came dynestires like Vrisi, Yadava. From Dhruyu's came Gandhara dynasty. From Anu's came Anava dynasty. From Puru's came Bharata, Kuru dynasties.

Turvasu dynasties are lesser known. Present day, perhaps, the Central Asian and Europeans are the descendants, which result due to Dhruyu migration out of India (BharatVarsh) thousands of years ago.

The Greeks, Iranians, Armenian , Anatolians (Turky) are the descendants which result due to Anu migration out of India (BharatVarsh)  thousands of years ago.

Another two important dynasty i.e. the Ayodhya dynesty and Videha dynasty came from Ikshvaku (Brother of Ila).
12/ Vedas had 1131 branches, out of them, we have only eleven and half branches as of now!!!! Lost, robbed, stolen, & destroyed in the influence of time. Homage to the Vedic Rishis and the great ancestors for preserving the remnants of eternal knowledge.

Vedas had 1131 branches, out of them, we have only eleven and half branches as of now!!!! Lost, robbed, stolen, & destroyed in the influence of time. Homage to the Vedic Rishis and the great ancestors for preserving the remnants of eternal knowledge.

It was an oral tradition for aeons after aeons; later the knowledge in ether was finally jotted down in the 7000 BCE or before(old and new parts of hymns and history as we have it now).

Human DNA would have degraded to the low-point & ongoing, that the highest of knowledge can no longer be feasible to be an oral traditions during those times(Maharshis & seers knew that)! Also, even more pineal glands atrophication in Kali, deteriorating mental acuity, etc.

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The Druhyu & their different sub-tribes are probably the ancestors of central Asian & Europeans. Druhyus migrated to central Asia; later Europe after being defeated in battle by a confederate of the rest of the tribes (Puru,ANu,Yadu,Turvasu). [Refer Talageri's book] 

 Two outflows of Druhyu #migration were recorded in the Vedas and  Puranas. First is their outflow into the areas north of Afghanistan i.e  central #Asia and the second took place after Dasarajna #battle.

Various Puranas remembered this ancient migration:


-Vayu Purana 99.11-12

-Brahmanda Purana III.74.11-12

-Matsya Purana 48.9 

-Vishnu Purana IV.17.5 

-Bhagavata Purana iX.23.14-16

For ex- Vishnu Purana IV.17.5 says...

THE son of Druhyu was Babhru; his son was Setu; his son was Áradwat; his son was Gándhára ;his son was Dharma;his son was Dhrita ;his son was Duryáman ;his son was Prachetas, who had a hundred sons, & they were the princes of the lawless Mlechchhas or barbarians of the north.

Bhagavata Purana iX.23.14-16

Oh master of the universe, Vrishasena was Karna's son. From Druhyu there was a son called Babhru who next begot Setu.Ârabdha who was fathered by him, had the son Gândhâra who begot Dharma....(cont)

He in his turn had the son Dhrita and from Dhrita there was the son Durmada who gave life to the son Pracetâ who had a hundred sons. Those kings [called the Pracetâs] accepted the jurisdiction over the north, the uncivilized areas of Mlecchades'a [of the barbarians]...

Indian tradition generally mentioned  Sakas, Huns, Yavanas, Kambojas, Pahlavas, Bahlikas and Rishikas, Indo-Greeks, Scythians as mlecchas. Most of them are of central Asian origin. The migration of Druhyu’s can also be traced in Europe.

The priests of the celts were called Dui or Druids. The priests of the italics were called flamen. The origin of the word flamen is as obscure as some of the assigned gods. Sophus Bugge suggested in 1879 that flamen is from an older *flădmen and related to the Germanic blót.

Both would be derived from a Proto-Indo-European word *bhlād(s)men. Indo-Europeanist Georges Dumézil attempted to link it to the Sanskrit word brahman. This etymology is still controversial.

Also a taboo pertaining to the flamen closely corresponds to the taboos observed by the Brahmans of India. Similarly the Celtic Druids just like in the Vedic tradition involved in years of instruction and memorization of innumerable verses.....

The word like Druh/Drugh/Drogha occurred in RigVeda many times in the sense of demons or enemies. Interestingly, the Greek mythology retains the memory of other priestly class, for example Dryad (Druhyu) or tree nymph.

The word Druhyu appears in other European language but as friends, which is an opposite sense then the Vedas. In Baltic (Lithuania)- Draugas. In Slavic (Russian)- Drug.

And obviously the Celtic Druids. The Great Goddess of the Celts were Ana (Anu), Danu(Celtic Mother Goddess) and Brigit (Bhrgu). Brigit is a deity of learning, poetry, smith craft, and skills just like the Vedic Bhrgu priests.

The Druids remembered the ancient Bhrgu in a mythical sense as a person who originally introduced various priestly rituals.

In Germanic (#gothic )- Druigan

Old #Norse (#Icelandic )-Drott

Old #English - Dryht

Old #German - truht


All means--- multitude, people, army.

The presence of Druhyu occurs as priest, friend, soldier, people in different #European branches clearly correspond with the word in the RigVeda and Avesta where Druhyu/ Druh/Drugh/Drogha and Avestan Druj represents priests, soldiers , & people.

#Indian tradition also remembered people in the land north of the Himalayas who are called Uttarkurus and Uttarmadras. The Aitareya Brahmana(VII.23) treat this land and its people as historical unlike the Mahabharata which treat it in 'mythical ethos'.

The Romans attacked the Druids, destroyed the tribe and stole their religious texts. It may be possible that the political/financial Jewry had acted from behind the scenes, while #Roman tyrants did their dirty works. . .

 It's my rational hunch that the #Vatican secret archive hoards the documents of Druids besides many other, or may be in different classified locations of the Druids' documents w.r.t the ancient Vedic traditions are hidden from the public eye.


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They were the Proto-Iranians or can be said as the ancestors of the Iranians. As per the Puranas, the original geographical location of the Anu-s was to the north of the Pūru-s: i.e. to the north of the Haryana region: effectively in Kashmir and the western Himalayas.

 Later #historical events described in the Puranas see the Anu-s expanding southwards and occupying the erstwhile territory of the Druhyu-s (present-day northern #Pakistan ) whiles the Druhyu-s move out in #Afghanistan . . . . .

 The Puranas record that the Anu-s expanded westwards from the "eastern border of the Punjab”: One Anu branch, headed by Uśīnara established several kingdoms on the eastern border of the #Punjab [cont…]

...his famous son Śivi originated the Śivis [called Śivas in Rigveda VII.18.7] in Śivapura, and extending his conquests westwards […] occupying the whole of the Punjab except the northwestern corner” (PARGITER 1962:264).

After the dāśarājña battle Anu-s moved out of #India and migrated westward. . .

 The importance of this great historical event is that these handfuls of references in just a couple of hymns of the #RigVeda (both in Book 7) provide us the names of the different Anu tribes who united to fight against Sudās and the Bharata-s:


VII.18.5 Śimyu.

VII.18.6 Bhṛgu.

VII.18.7 thePaktha (Pakhtoons), Bhalāna (Baluchis), Alina, Śiva, Viṣāṇin.

VII.83.1 Parśu/Parśava(Persians),, Pṛthu/ Pārthava (Parthians), Dāsa.

Puranic Anus: Madra.

.and of the king of their alliance, Kavi (Avestan Kauui); of their priest, Kavaṣa(Avestan name, Kaoša). All in all, the two Rigvedic hymns (VII.18, 83), 

The Avesta (Vd. I) mentions the Haptahəndu (Saptasindhavah) as one of the sixteen #Iranian lands, past and contemporary.

 The #Albanian , #Greek , Thraco-Phrygian/#Armenian , #Iranian are the descendants which results due to Anu migration in the west. . . .

It cannot be a coincidence that every single one of these tribal names, from only two hymns describing a single event, fits in so perfectly with the roster of Iranian, Thraco-Phrygian/Armenian, Greek and Albanian tribal names.

 The above named #Iranian tribes include the ancestors of almost all other prominent #historical and modern Iranian groups, such as the Scythians (Sakas), Ossetes and #Kurds , and even the presently Slavic-language speaking #Serbs and #Croats.

 #Tribal group which migrates furthest west retains its linguistic identity, while those of that tribe who remain behind or on the way get absorbed into the surrounding linguistic group:

 The Śimyu who migrated furthest retained their Albanian identity and dialect (Sirmio), while those among them who settled down on the way got linguistically absorbed into the Iranians (Avestan Sairima, later Sarmatians).

 The Alina, who migrated furthest retained their #Greek name and dialect (Alina/Ellene/Hellene), while those among them who settled down on the way got linguistically absorbed into the #Iranians (Alan).

The Bhṛgu who migrated furthest retained their Thraco-Phrygian/Armenian name and dialect (Phryge/Phrygian), while those among them who settled down on the way got linguistically absorbed into the Iranians (their priestly class the Āthrauuan-s), and .....

..those who remained behind got linguistically absorbed into the  Indo-Aryans (as the priestly class of Bhṛgu-s). [The Armenians, in the  #Caucasus area, lost the name, but retained their #language much influenced by Iranian].

 The Madra who migrated furthest retained their Iranian name and dialect (Mada/Mede/Median), while those who remained behind got linguistically absorbed into the Indo-Aryans (Madra). (refer to Talageri and Wiki).

Daeva(Evil spirit) & Ahura(Good spirit); Deva(Good spirit) & Ashura(Evil spirit)

In Avestan Vendidad 10.9 and 19.43, three divinities of the Vedic pantheon follow Angra Mainyu in a list of #demons :

 Completely adapted to Iranian phonology, these are Indra (Vedic Indra), Sarva (Vedic Sarva, i.e. Rudra), and Nanghaithya (Vedic Nasatya). Possibly, because Indra helped the Purus against the Anus in Dasarajna #battle.

 However, this classification of Devas and Ashuras as good or bad is not so straight forward both in RigVeda and in Avesta because:-

 In the Rigveda (10.124.3), the devas are the "younger gods", in conflict with the asuras, the "older gods". There is no such division evident in the Zoroastrian texts.

 And, while in the post-Rigvedic Indic texts the conflict between the two groups of devas and asuras is a primary theme, this is not a theme in the Rigveda or in the Iranian texts, and therefore cannot have been a feature of a common #heritage .

 The use of asura in the Rigveda is unsystematic and inconsistent and "it can hardly be said to confirm the existence of a category of gods opposed to the devas". Indeed, RigVedic deva is variously applied to most #gods, including many of the asuras.

 Likewise, in the oldest layer, Zoroastrianism's daevas are originally also gods (albeit gods to be rejected); it is only in the younger texts that the word evolved to refer to evil creatures. Zoroastrian ahuras (etymologically related to the Vedic asuras) are shaded vaguely.

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 Yama is the ancestral king of the Iranians like Manu is the ancestor of the Vedic Indo-Aryan. Interestingly, according to the Puranas, both Manu and Yama are the sons of Surya. . 

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