Wednesday 26 December 2018

This visual from Narasimha Teertha Ranganatha documentary has evoked few random musings

1. This visual from Narasimha Teertha Ranganatha documentary has evoked few random musings. The sheer magnitude, the precision of carving & the silhouette it created at sunrise, every minute detail of this frame is mesmerizing.

2. Today, I am becoming ecstatic of looking at this visual captured through a machine (camera) but when tried to imagine the happiness of that shilpi who carved it & took a look at his creation from this angle....I fall short of words to describe it!

3. That artist must have spent many months if not years in doing 'rUpadhyAna.' Meditating deeply about every minute detailing of parama puruSha. Every anga, each bhAva, those particular rasA-s! How much puNya that sculptor must have gathered & what a great bhAgya he accrued! 

4. How much dear he was to Sri Hari as he was allowed to meditate, memorise & muse about the kalyANa guNA-s of sarvOttama!

5. How about the artist's unfathomable contentment when the sculpture carved by him got into garbhagRuha, accepting sEvA-s from mahAswamins, kings, queens & all devotees? Which wealth can get such immense satisfaction?

6. All I can do now to that unknown, unnamed artist is to offer a silent praNAma! Gone now that artist but the fruit of his labour is still mesmerising every onlooker since a millennia. That artist has taught me to follow "karmaNyEvAdhikAraste mA phalEshu kadAchana." dhyanOhaM. 

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